The story you were meant to tell.


  • Greater Than Six is a place of community, healing, and positive change.

    Negativity is for other online forums.


    — No Rants, Raves, or Derogatory Content

    — Do not post on other’s behalf without their knowledge or consent.

    — Do not include identifiable information about yourself, another aviator, or your employer.

    — If you feel you or your wingman is in immediate danger of self-harm:

    Use our Resources page and seek professional help Immediately.

  • The first few words can be the hardest. Translating a personal story to words of wisdom is not an easy task.

    We recommend a simple structure to get started:

    • What Happened?

    • How Did You Handle It?

    • What Did You Learn From It?

    • Where Are You Now?

  • 1. Write about the first time you looked up and dreamed of flying. How does the reality of working in aviation compare to those childhood dreams?

    2. Share a personal experience where fatigue impacted your decision-making or performance during a flight. How did it make you feel, and what steps have you taken since to prevent it?

    3. Describe a moment when you realized you were approaching or experiencing burnout. What were the signs, and how did you address it?

    4. Share a personal narrative about a time when your work in aviation strained your personal relationships. How did you reconcile the two?

    5. Share a story from your life as a Pilot that most passengers might be unaware of – particularly moments of emotional or mental stress.

    6. Share a story from your life as a flight attendant that most passengers might be unaware of – particularly moments of emotional or mental stress.

    7. Describe an emotionally challenging situation you encountered on the job, how you handled it in the moment, and the aftermath.

    8. Talk about your personal experience or observations about the limited access to mental healthcare in the aviation industry. How can the system be improved?

    9. Being a pilot comes with immense responsibility. Share an introspective piece on the mental weight of ensuring the safety of every passenger on board.

    10. Flight attendants always greet us with a smile, but behind that smile can be a world of stress. Narrate a particularly challenging day in the life of a flight attendant from an emotional and mental perspective.

    11. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there might have been times you've been medically or administratively grounded. Write about the emotional and mental journey during this period.

    12. Dive into the stigma associated with discussing mental health issues in the aviation industry. Share a time when you or someone you know felt hesitant to speak out about their struggles.

    13. Discuss personal strategies or habits you've developed to cope with the unique stresses of your job in the aviation industry.

    14. Being constantly alert is a part of aviation jobs. Narrate a personal story of how you "switch off" or "decompress" after a long period of being on edge.

    15. Everyone prepares for physical turbulence, but what about emotional or mental turbulence? Share a story when something triggered you unexpectedly and how you managed to navigate through it.

  • We get it. We are aviators just like you.

    Your story deserves to be shared without Fear.

    Greater Than Six was built to safeguard against the unfortunate repercussions to being your most authentic self.

    We don’t want your name. We don’t want to know where you work, what you do, or how long you’ve been there.

    Anonymity provides protection from those who would do you harm.

    *** We only ask for your contact info so that we may reach out for clarifications. We will refer to you by callsign only and will keep no records of our conversations. ***

  • Your message is securely sent directly to our team.

    We will review and reach out for clarifications before making any edits.

    Our goal is to only adjust your submission for clarity, brevity, and to protect your identity.

Absolutely No One can know this came from me.

Short of advanced encryption tools, even the most secure messaging solutions have the potential to be subject to government inquiry.

At Greater Than Six, we will not let that happen.

For your protection and ours, we are researching options for extremely sensitive submissions to be sent via Physical Mail.

The process will be simple:

  • You Send It

  • We Post It

  • We Burn It With Fire

In the meantime, if you require these services, please respond to the above form with Callsign and the phrase:

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”